How to treat psoriasis on the hands?

Plaque lesions on the skin of the hands are the most common manifestation of scaly lichens. Hand psoriasis is a chronic disease that can severely impair a person's quality of life. It has special symptoms and many prerequisites for its development.

Psoriasis on the palm

Causes of psoriasis on hands

What causes a rash in the form of rough patches on the palms and upper limbs? It is not always easy to understand immediately. The main causes of hand psoriasis are:

  • Genetic predisposition of the disease;
  • Contagious, viral and cold results;
  • Metabolic disorders and hormonal pathology (diabetes);
  • Stressful conditions, neurasthenia, dramatic changes in mood;
  • Frequent contact with corrosive chemicals (household chemicals, cosmetics);
  • Skin injuries (abrasions, cuts, abrasions, scratches).
Stress is the cause of hand psoriasis

People who are prone to allergic reactions are at risk of psoriasis. In addition, malnutrition, alcohol and smoking, long-term use of antidepressants, and steroid drugs can all cause scaly lichens.

Manifesting symptoms

In adults, psoriasis starts in the elbows and hands. The first sign is obvious in the extensor muscles. When small, flat papules appear, they will eventually become larger, forming rough, light pink or red round patches. In addition, the rash appeared on the palm. The skin becomes dry, thick, dark red, and sometimes cracks appear.

The development of psoriasis on the fingers can reach the nails. At first, small pits are formed on them, and over time, the nail plate becomes thicker, looser and resembles a fungal infection. Therefore, people often want to know whether scaly lichen is contagious? Psoriasis is a chronic disease that is not spread through handshake or other contact. The tendency of this disease can be transmitted genetically, but not through the disease itself.

Psoriasis on the hands

Another symptom of scaly lichen is the appearance of scaly patches between the fingers. The skin in these areas is as rough as calluses.

Forms of hand psoriasis

The nature of the course and clinical manifestations of squamous lichen is very diverse. The rash not only affects the hands, but also the shoulders, neck, and chest, especially if the child has this disease. Hand psoriasis is the most common type of skin disease and can occur in several basic forms, as described below.

Plaque or common

The skin of the affected area becomes denser, covered with white crusty and cracks, and sometimes bleeds. The plaques merge into groups to form large lesions.

Plaque psoriasis on the hands

Teardrop shape

The rash most often affects the upper arms and shoulders. The patches are densely covered with white scales that look like water droplets. This type of psoriasis quickly spreads throughout the body, affecting the forearms and buttocks. It is mainly aggravated after ingestion of streptococcus (the pathogen of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, ARVI).

Teardrop psoriasis on the hands

Exudative or pustular squamous lichen

It is located on the forearm and has a severe course-multiple blisters with clear fluid, a purulent process, and an outlet for a rash outside of the upper limbs.

Exudative psoriasis on the hands

Nail psoriasis

This shape is characterized by vertical or horizontal lines in white or gray tones. The skin around the steel plate thickens, and the nail itself falls off and loosens, causing its further damage.

Fingernail psoriasis

The appearance of each form of scaly hand is clearly visible in the photo.

If you do not start treatment for hand psoriasis in time, this disease can cause joint inflammation (psoriatic arthritis). The rash can spread to other parts of the body (head, legs, back, abdomen, chest).

Stages of skin disease

Psoriasis is a chronic disease with a specific sequence of development. According to the intensity of the disease manifestation and the frequency of recurrence, the disease has 3 main stages:

  • Progressive-initial stage-several scaly papules appear on the hands, shoulders, between the fingers and the extension of the elbow, accompanied by edema, inflammation, itching;
  • Quiet period-no new rash appears, the old plaques are densely covered with white scales, and the affected area stops itching (the lesion is frozen in one place);
  • Subsequent phase-the symptoms begin to disappear (the papules become pale, the dry patches dissolve, the skin is clean, and only slight dark spots remain).

In remission, psoriasis can last from 2-4 months to several years. Each new recurrence is more serious, which causes the stratum corneum of the hands, elbows, fingers and around the nail plate to gradually become thicker and thicker.

Pharmacy treatment

Although scaly lichen is not a contagious disease, it will bring a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. The main goal of medication is to improve the general condition of the patient:

  • Eliminate peeling and itching;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • Soothes the skin.

Treatment should be comprehensive, including several different topical and internal medications.

  1. Hormones-Relieve inflammation, irritation, swelling, itching and pain, and reduce fluid pimples in exudative psoriasis. In addition, ointment can eliminate allergic manifestations.
  2. Non-hormones-zinc ointment, salicylic acid ointment-relieve the main symptoms, do not cause side effects, have a mild effect on the skin, but are not as effective as glucocorticoid (hormonal) drugs.
  3. Homeopathy-used to help during severe peeling, itching, and joint damage.

Homeopathy is only effective when selected correctly, taking into account all the nuances of the disease process and the characteristics of the patient's body.

If local medications are not effective, doctors may prescribe systemic therapy in the form of injections and pills. The drug inhibits the dense division of skin cells, detoxifies the body, thereby eliminating the main symptoms and helping to improve the quality of life.

In addition to drugs that are mainly aimed at suppressing psoriasis, combination therapies use funds to support the whole body:

  • Vitamin
  • Liver support drugs-hepatoprotective drugs;
  • Adsorbent-remove toxins and poisons from the intestines;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Immunomodulator.

The better the treatment of one form or another of psoriasis, the expert will determine. He will combine drugs to achieve the maximum effect, and will not harm your entire body.

Go to the doctor to see psoriasis on your hands

Folk remedies

Patients are usually interested in how to cure psoriasis at home. Herbal preparations and therapeutic baths are helpful when fighting against scaly lichen on the hands. In addition, folk remedies help to enhance the effects of drugs and the transition of the disease to the remission stage.

Celandine Bath

Pour the chopped grass (100 grams) into 3 liters of boiling water and let stand for 1-1. 5 hours. Pour the filtered liquid into a hot water bath (37-40 degrees). The duration of a program does not exceed 15 minutes.

Celandine for hand psoriasis

The course of treatment is 10-12 courses, which can be performed daily.

Herbal series for water treatment

Must be mixed in equal proportions (50 grams each):

  • St. John's Wort
  • Wise man
  • Valerian root;
  • Celandine;
  • succession.

Boil 30 g of the collection in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes. Let the broth brew for 1. 5-2 hours, filter and add to a large bath container.

Herbs for treating psoriasis on the hands

Herbal baths can relieve the course of the disease, soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and exfoliation, and most importantly, prevent the further spread of plaque.

Propolis ointment

Melt 300 grams of butter, add 20 grams of chopped propolis, and boil everything until it forms a single consistency. Use the finished cooling ointment to treat the affected area on the hand. This product is also suitable for compression. Apply a small amount of medicine to a cotton pad, apply it to the injured area, and fix it with a bandage.

Propolis for psoriasis on hands

Before using the ointment, you need to treat the plaques with hydrogen peroxide and wait until they are dry. This will enhance the effect of folk remedies.

Birch tar

For 30-45 days, you need to lubricate the affected area of your hand with birch tar. It is best to do this one hour before going to bed. The substance should be left on the skin for at least 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water. Gradually, the residence time of tar on the plaque was increased to 30 minutes.

Birch tar treats psoriasis on hands

This medicine is most effective in treating skin diseases. Folk remedies eliminate the unpleasant symptoms well and prolong the remission period for a long time.

Prevent hand psoriasis

Rashes are more common on the hands than other areas of the skin. The disease is difficult to treat due to constant exposure of the hands to predisposing factors. In order to achieve long-term relief, it is important to adhere to preventive measures:

  • Don't let the skin dry out;
  • Use household chemicals with gloves;
  • Use specially selected hand creams;
  • Avoid contact with corrosive substances;
  • When the rash appears for the first time, seek medical help immediately;
  • Don't abuse alcohol and smoking.
Drinking and smoking are the causes of hand psoriasis

When preventing hand psoriasis, pay attention to proper nutrition. Deep-fried, smoked, salty, fatty, and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to get overwhelmed with chocolate and flour products. It is best to cook, steam or roast the food, and heat the fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, tomatoes) that contain red pigments for heat treatment.

The psoriasis rash on the hands is easy to recur. There is no cure for this disease, only temporary relief. The duration of psoriasis calm depends on the correct treatment and prevention. Pay attention to your lifestyle, stick to your diet, avoid stress, and treat the initial manifestations of the disease promptly.